» Travel » Cameroon » Cameroon’s diary – Kribi

Cameroon’s diary – Kribi

Douala is the largest city and the commercial capital of the country. Cameroon. First morning at Cameroon. I am still at Douala. I am not in hurry so I wake up a little bit late about 8 am. I feel hot and humidity from early morning. Change of the climate is hard. I hope that beaches at Kribi help me to survive this thermal shock.

Douala is the largest city and the commercial capital of the country. Cameroon. First I make small tour around Douala. German Seamen’s Mission is in the city center so it is easy to walk around. Saturday morning is quite sleepy without much of the traffic and people. I meet few street sellers see few taxis and watching shopkeepers who are opening their shops. I follow main road to market which is not so much lively now. I see few Chinese shops (I am surprised) and then I go back. I see big cathedral so I go to look around. It is open but there are not so much pilgrims. I return back to hotel. It is about 9 am so reception office should be open.

Nice lady is at the reception. I pay for the room and talk with her. She speaks English so it is excellent for me. My French is worse than poor so I am happy that I am able to speak with someone at English. I get information how to reach Kribi and also I change money at good exchange rate (1 EUR = 650 CFA). It is time to move.

Bus station, Douala. Cameroon. Better and larger bus companies have their own offices so there is no central bus station at Douala. Central Voyages has been recommended to me by receptionist so I take taxi there. Their office is close to the hotel just about 5 minutes by car (about 1000 CFA). Central Voyages runs lines mainly to Yaounde, Kribi, and few other spots. I am lucky bus should leave after half an hour. I will see. Buses are leaving according time schedule at Africa? Something like miracle – but this is big company so why not. Just enough time to buy some snack. Baguette with egg is excellent.

Bus leaves almost at time. It is great. I should reach Kribi after three hours maybe less if driver goes fast. Road is fine and in excellent condition – sealed with new tarmac. Not so much village along the road. From the half of the way I see only dense green forest with individual huts.

Kribi beach. Cameroon. Kribi is famous Cameroon holiday spot and it is very popular by local and expats too. Its beaches along coast are really great. On the first sight town is very extensive. Bus stops at the beginning of the town and beaches hotels are 2 kilometers further. It is too hot to walk so I take taxi. Now I realized that I arrive at the highest season and even at weekend. Taxi drivers ask me if I have hotel reservation. Of course not is my answer. Expect problems to find cheap room is his respond. Let’s see after while. He is true. The first hotel at the beach and it is completely full. There are not many hotels at Lonely Planet guide book but drive knows more places so I am still optimistic. On the way we are meeting two local girls and they are really beautiful. They drive small Peugeot cabriolet (what a surprise to see so expensive car here) and they smile to me. Ooooh I forgot everything from their beauty.

After few hotels I found room. Large nice one with AC for 25 000 CFA. Price is higher than I want to pay but what can I do. I have no chance to find something cheaper on the beach. Sitting on the beach and watching the sea. Hotel location is superb with sitting area just on the beach. I have shade so I have no problem with noon hot.

Later afternoon I go to visit town. I walk because I want to see more form the Kribi. It looks like that town is separated to two logical parts. One is beach part where hotels are scattered and second where market and bus stops are. I see local port with fish market and open restaurant with fresh fishes. Later I visit Internet café to send emails home and friends. I look for email from my friend who I should meet here in a few days. He is coming from Equatorial Guinea. At this moment I do not know that we meet in few minutes.

Motorcycle taxi is very common here. The most of the traffic is made by motorcycle taxi drivers. They are passing me every minute and carry one or more passengers. Car taxi is not common here (they are common at big cities). When I am leaving internet cafe and continue further to town I see one motorcycle driver with my friend at the back. I am shock he is already here. I shout and local people stop them. Warm greetings, few sentences and he continues to my hotel. See you later at the market.

Market is small with traditional goods - fruits, vegetable and other stuff for cooking and living. I love markets and its atmosphere. But it is too late and market is closing. Walking through streets and waiting for friend. Altogether we continue to dinner. We find small street restaurant (well woman on the street with small grill) with fresh fishes – mackerel. We order two big mackerel wit baguette (about 1 000 CFA) and we are happy. We are making plan or tomorrow – take boat along Lobe River and visit some Pygmy village.


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