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Benin - Photos

Casa do Brazil, consulat of Brazil during colonial times. Ouidah town. Benin. Wharf and market at Abomey-Calavi town at lakeside of Lake Nokoué. Benin. Wharf and market at Abomey-Calavi town at lakeside of Lake Nokoué. Benin. Wharf at Abomey-Calavi town at lakeside of Lake Nokoué. Benin. Market at Abomey-Calavi town at lakeside of Lake Nokoué. Benin. Wharf and market at Abomey-Calavi town at lakeside of Lake Nokoué. Benin. Life at Lake Nokoué. Benin. Sailboat at Lake Nokoué. Benin. Ganvié - town at Lake Nokoué. There is only one way how to reach it - using a boat. Benin. Life at Ganvié town which is completely built on water. Benin. Even at Ganvié town there are Voodoo cult members. Benin. Voodoo shrine at Ganvié town. Benin. Life at Ganvié town which is completely built on water. Benin. Life at Ganvié town which is completely built on water. Benin. Sunset over Ganvié town and Lake Nokoué. Benin. Morning floating market at Ganvié town. Benin. Morning floating market at Ganvié town. Benin. Morning floating market at Ganvié town. Benin. Morning floating market at Ganvié town. Benin. Morning floating market at Ganvié town. Benin. Morning floating market at Ganvié town. Benin. Morning floating market at Ganvié town. Benin. Festival at Nokoué lake at Ganvié town. Benin. Festival at Nokoué lake at Ganvié town. Benin. Festival at Nokoué lake at Ganvié town. Benin. Festival at Nokoué lake at Ganvié town. Benin.

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