BootsnAll Travel Community - Online message board with forums dedicated to worldwide travel destinations, traveler communities, and other travel-related stuff.
Dambar - Trekking in Nepal is pleased to welcome you in tiny but amazing country in Nepal. For unlimited venture in Nepal.
FlyerTalk - Online community of frequent flyers exchanging knowledge and experience.
Rick Steves' Graffiti Wall - Community of travelers sharing ideas including safety and health, planning and packing, tours, eating and drinking, and hedonism.
Talk About Traveling - Discussion forum where people chat about vacations, road trips, air travel, cruises, guided tours, travel packages, and more.
The New York Times Web Forums: Travel - Includes boards on international, U.S., and New York City travel as well as frugal, gourmet, and adventure travel topics.
TravelBanter - Travel and vacations forum with boards devoted to regions of the world, air travel, backpacking, cruises, budget travel, and resorts. - Offers travel stories from around the world and a dicussion forum.
Trek Board - Discussion forum covering various aspects of trekking and travel, including health, equipment, apparel, safety, and emergency plans.
Vacation Apprentice - Dedicated to those seeking educational and experential travel. Features discussion forums on a range of topics along with journals, blogs, and photo galleries to document travel experiences.