- Dr. Frederick A. Murphy Talks about the Ebola Virus - Interview with one of the world authorities on viruses.
- Ebola Frequently Asked Questions - Information about the four identified strains (Ebola Zaire, Ebola Sudan, Ebola Reston, and Ebola Tai).
- Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever - Describes transmission, symptoms, treatment, and history of the disease since its identification after outbreaks in northern Zaire and southern Sudan in 1976.
- Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Facts - Answers questions about the disease.
- Ebola Reston Outbreaks - Provides extensive information on Ebola and descriptions of outbreaks among monkeys shipped from the Philippines to Reston, VA, and Alice, TX.
- Ebola Virus - Student report with information on how people become infected with Ebola, biology of the filovirus that causes the disease, and more.
- Ebola Virus Haemorrhagic Fever - Full proceedings (papers and discussions) of the International Colloquium on Ebola Virus Infection and other Haemorrhagic Fevers, organized in Antwerp, Belgium, in December 1977.
- Ebola Virus Information Headquarters - Directory of sites with ebola information.
- Ebola Virus, The - Examines possible links between deforestation in Zaire and Gabon and the emergence of the virus.
- Ebola Zaire Fan Club - Informative, tongue-in-cheek review of ebola, the virus that causes it, outbreaks from 1976 to 1996, and more.
- Ebola: The Virus and the Disease - 1999 issue of The Journal of Infectious Diseases with articles on Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF) and outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Gabon.
- University of Cape Town Ebola Page - Includes news about outbreaks, links to disease information, and treatment descriptions.
- What is Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever? - Fact sheet including transmission methods, symptoms, and prevention. From the National Center for Infectious Diseases.
- Wikipedia: Ebola - Description of the virus and ebola haemorrhagic fever.
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